Biostimulant trials by Mr. Philippe Lepère, nurseryman in Bréhémont in his fight against aphids.

Philippe Lepère, Pépiniériste à Bréhémont teste deux Complexes biostimulants PHYTA NATURA V23 et REPULSO pour lutter contre les pucerons et cochenilles..

"I carried out the first tests with the two biostimulating complexes PHYTA NATURA V23 and REPULSO on May 3, 2022 on different plants in containers such as roses, lupins and spirea with the presence of aphids at a dose of 20ml/litre.

I then did a first spray on May 9, 2022 with these same biostimulant complexes and at the same dose on roses and shrubs in containers as well as on perennials in pots.

All these plants were grown outdoors and with the presence of aphids. List of treated plants:

Roses – ornamental apple trees – Photinia – Viburnum opulus – Lupine and Knautia

Result observed:

  • A decrease in the presence of aphids without total eradication
  • No significant difference between the two products
  • Good persistence of the two complexes despite daily watering
  • On roses, there is an improvement in the overall sanitary condition, the foliage appears healthier

A second spraying was carried out on May 24, 2022 on the same plants only with the REPULSO biostimulant complex at the same dosage.

The result is a virtual disappearance of aphids on all treated plants except lupins.

Under tunnel, a spraying was carried out on May 27, 2022 on Pittosporum and Arbutus. I did not observe any phytotoxicity despite the heat.

The aphid population has fallen sharply without having completely disappeared.

The use of the two biostimulant complexes PHYTA NATURA V23 and REPULSO is therefore proving interesting and this year I plan to preventively treat plants regularly subject to attacks by aphids and scale insects."

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